is anyone else falling the stock market crashes or am I the only one?
this has been driving me nuts. not that i have any involvement in the stock market, however I know that this will make life harder for the everyday people. people like me, and my family. people like my boyfriend and his family. yeah, this will be bad.
then i have my uncle who is telling me that by allowing more money into the ecomony everything will get better. Not the case. I see a 1930's turn about coming soon. I have heard talk of this launching us into another world war. I tell you, the way we live today will affect us forever. We're making our own bed and I hope that years rom now we look back and are ready to kick ourselves in the ass.
hate to break it to you people but mistake one; ELECTING OBAMA!
i hate to say it but it's true and I hope america will smarten up by november and not let this PRICK back into office. Another four years to run the economy into the ground?! I certainly hope not!
My boyfriend isn't going to vote. He doesn't want to anymore. He is legal to but refuses to. I can't say I blame him. It's a scarry thought. And there have been rumors that they are cutting soldiers pay?! what the hell? open your eyes america.. this is your wake up call! i know that no one may read this blog but i still feel the need to make my voice be heard and if by some strange chance someone does read this, thank you for listening.
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